Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Prototype progression

I have done both prototype for scene 1 and 2. I managed to link the files but I thought it was a stupid question to ask the lecturer when it's just so simple. Anyways, the linking doesn't work on the preview but only when the file is directly opened from the published html. ( but Finally~!! )

The action trigger for the scene 2. It is done in every button separately.

Scene 3 prototype

I got how the second scene's prototype work out and now I have to think about scene 3. Different from scene 2, the image I wanted was the button's initial but stays at it's stop frame. It can be tricky so why that's why it may take more time than what I expect.

The progression recorded. At the end it didn't change much as I am still figuring out for that for now. 

I also started on the swing visual but currently my laptop wasn't feeling healthy much so saving it can be a task too.

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