Thursday, 10 April 2014

Ideas Proposal

What am I going to do for my final? Well, first I would have to research on what I want to do and something that is different from my other classes. I am told by my lecturer that we have to come up with five ideas and after researching and brainstorming on what I want to do, so here goes:


- A parallax scrolling storybook - 

Here, I wanna make a parallax scrolling storybook containing fairy tales. However of which fairy tale, I haven't really thought yet but I may consider "Little Mermaid". I want to make the anchor points are divided by pattern of the waves or something like that, just like the reference (link at below), where it is separated by the clouds. While that, the main character will moves down following the scrolling page and each anchor point will have the  a couple of paragraph of the storyline.



- parallax scrolling short comic -

A simple and short comic that moves when the page is scroll in a certain spot. Got the inspiration from one of the seniors work. However, not entirely the same. Maybe add a few more pages and slighly longer storyline. Probably instead of going down, it scroll to the side making the comic linking more to each page.


- Parallax scrolling - 

This I shall called it "Anime VS Cartoon". It will be a page (using parallax scrolling) of explaining what's the different of both anime and cartoons, since most people can't differentiate it. So basically, half the page will be cartoonish while the other looked like anime. I love this idea but may seem a little hard for me but it worth the shoot.




- Scrolling pages of fact-

A site where it explained of a certain fact in different pages and interactively. In this case, probably the facts of a cat or something similar. Also, from a page to another, there will be a link between each other.




- Augmented Reality - 

Still considering this technique since I'm lack of exposure on this. However, if I were to do this, I would do on a canvas / poster about something really beautiful. It looked nice but when scanned the code, the horrible way of how it is form. For example, fur that people use for fashion and for accessories and behind the scenes is where the fox / any other animal with fur is being tortured to get its fur. Basically it's more to protecting the animal by making the audience aware of this situation.



  1. Think of some ideas that are not parallax scrolling. Keep the idea simples, try to do some more researches and rfine 5 'different ideas'. One of them could be parallax but other has to be something else.

    Also explore the possibility of what the software that you choose can do.
